Thursday, November 11, 2010

Old friends and Obituaries

Today may be remembered for a lot of things:

 The first time my almost-two year old donned on a pull up and sat on the little potty for more than thirty seconds.

Getting free dinner at nearly every single resteraunt in the United States because it's Veteran's Day. Well, I don't get free dinner. But the veterans do.

And..the day I realized how, no matter how long it has been since you spoke to them, you always have a place in your heart for your friends. So, needless to say, while tending to my self admitted addiction to Farmville, yes Farmville, I noticed a Facebook message from a said old friend. When I read it, another gruesome reality kicked me straight in the gut...right between the eyes if you will. And no matter how much you know it happens, you are never quite prepared to hear the news that a blessed life of another old friend  ended..and even worse still when that life ended by their own doing.

With a heavy heart, I will attempt to remember my sweet friend as she was the years I was priviledged to spend with her. Key Club in High School. Tagging along in the backseat going to The Aardvark listening to "Fish Heads" and "Push the Little Daisies" on a CD. Going to Oklahoma and realizing that Weatherford does not even have a Wal-mart. Spending New Years playing Taboo and drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade out of Sonic cups while sneaking whiskey from her parents' cabinet. And so many more. Every story I have of her makes me laugh. Every story I was ever told of her adventures with all our old group was even funnier.

And I know for every good sentiment I have of her, her best friends (my out of touch ones) have a hundred more. There have been so many times I have wanted to call one of my old best friends and tell her so many things..thank you for the years we spent together. I saw a Fraggle costume this past Halloween and thought of you. But when speaking of days so long gone, time itself forgot them, what more can you really say? Today I figured it out. Under better circumstances, different ones, I am sure we may never have spoken again. We have both moved on, and I think of you sometimes, as one of my dearest old friends. I can't remember why I was even mad, but I thought of you today when I heard the news. I hope you're okay, though I know in my heart that you aren't. Know that I care about you, at one time you were my very best friend in the world, and I am so sorry to hear, to learn, that one of your oldest and best friends in the world took her own life yesterday. There is no right thing to say. No good thing to say. But I miss you old friend, and thank you for introducing me to her. May her soul finally rest peacefully, and may God grant you the peace to accept that which we cannot change and the strength to keep her alive in your heart. I am sorry we fell out.

Rest in Peace sweet, sweet Becca. May the Father give you the eternal rest you have been searching for. You will be greatly, greatly missed.

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